(772) 410-4512‬ [email protected]

I’m Lynne Ellen Okaily

Entrepreneur Business Training Coach


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Career Building

Working together to help you design the life you want to live I share my knowledge and resources to help you achieve your most important goals in life.

What Is Business Coaching?
Who is Business Coaching For?

Everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur if they choose to believe this to be true. Have a mission to help others. Our business coaching empowers entrepreneurs to jump over imagined hurdles. People who work best with team support and love seeing others succeed are the best fit for our business coach and coach training services.

Build a career in an industry of service to others
  1. Who are you serving: Are you in direct marketing as a service to others or to a corporation?
  2. What is holding you up from having true success: Do you own your own business? Can you make it work better by teaching others how to do what you do?
  3. When was the last time you were excited about getting to work?
  4. Why is marketing yourself holding you back?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5, years, 10 years?
  6. How important is helping others succeed to better themselves in the pursuit of freedom, and happiness in life?

Questions? Contact The Entrepreneurs Consultant,
Lynne Ellen Okaily

Take care of your health and have stamina at work
  • If you had the possibility to be able to reverse your age would you want to know about it?
    Imagine how you would think, look, and feel no matter what your chronological age is now or later if you did have the possibility of being able to biologically reversing your age by up to 30 years give or take.
  • Do you know anyone who would not want to reverse their age?
    This opportunity is a blessing to humanity. Once you know it, you can't keep it a secret for yourself only. AND the technology is affordable and life-changing.

Get started today!
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Technology Advancements

Your body and mind are trying to keep up with the advancements in all industries we are exposed to every day. The problem is staying focused, alert, and on target with goals has become harder and harder in these times we are in. What will the future behold in 2021? What happened in 2020?

You are the answer you have been looking for! Fear is a powerful emotion that you can use to your benefit. FEAR = FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. Take back control from the hype you see around you. You were given the divine right to be alive and sovereign. Are you ready?

The number one thing you must take back control of is your health. Without health it's hard to have wealth!

Get started right now!
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Do you know how Attraction Marketing Works?

Take the stress out of promoting yourself. You are worthy and deserving and so is everyone else you know. 

Start learning how to attract new customers. 

Do you already have a marketing plan in place? Start improving your ROI.

Do you need better tools and information on how social media work?

Are you in this to win it?

Let's get started!

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Worth is an inside believe system

What is your value? Do you know it? Do you believe it?

Can you be truly happy? And can you manage happiness in your life?

Are in touch with your intuition?

Do you know how to unlock your intuitive skills?

If you said or thought "NO" to any of these questions and want to change the drama patterns of victimhood in your life I can help. 

Are you ready to move beyond expectations of failure? 

Great! Let's get started. Contact Lynne Ellen Okaily, the Entrepreneurs Consultant & Energy Healer